Giezendanner Emil

Giezendanner Emil
Feldstrasse 25B
8330  Pfäffikon ZH

Telefon Privat:  +41 43 288 84 30


  • Fachexperte (in Fachkommission F5-Elektro)
  • F3A FAI, Punktichterchef Region NOS (in Punktrichter F3 Kunstflug)
  • Redaktion Stv. Zeitschrift modell flugsport (in Zeitschrift Modellflugsport)
  • Retired school counsellor

    President of Swiss Northeast Region Aeromodelling Association

    Chairman of CIAM F5 Subcommittee  

    Founder of the international Electric Flight Meeting "Militky Cup" (1973) Founder and editor of Swiss aeromodeller magazine "modell flugsport"

    Editor of CIAM Flyer